Crazy Adventures of the Smith's!

So we like to go on lots of adventures as we like to call them. I currently just have our wonderful long Flordia adventure posted and the most recent Christmas, but check back for more adventures to come!

What's planned for 2010? Well we have a lot of exciting things planned. We are going to take the munchkins back to Disney this year. We will be going towards the end of May. Eric is going to be the most surprised because we found out that Disney is going to have a few Star Wars weekend. We are keeping it a secret from him. He has pretty much grown out of Disney and is just interested in going to the nice Lego store they have. Emily is in love with Princesses still, so that is good. Dylan, he will be the one that will most likely give us the most laughs! He is our Mickey boy. We are anxious to see what he does with a life size Mickey walking up to him. You'll have to check back later in the year to see the results.

June we have a family vacation to Wildwood Crest, NJ. A bunch of Shawn's relatives from Conneticut will be coming down too. It is a quite, beautiful, clean beach area. Should be exciting.

July we will most like do our camping trip. This should be fun with a little toddler. It has been a while and I am sure everything will manage.

August will be exciting as well! Emily starts Kindergarten. Eric will go into 2nd grade. Dylan will most likely go crazy without anyone to pal around with.

So far that is all I know. It is amazing how the time flies by in a year.