Mom & Dad

Year 2009

If I find an updated picture of us, I will post; but for now this will have to do!

Shawn is still at Equitable Resources. He has done a lot at this job. He also had to move offices too. He went from working on the North Shore to Downtown. The comute pretty much the same, but parking got more expensive. He is an ERP Manager. If you don't know what that is, he is an IT guy. The go-to guy!

Me, well I am still working from home for The On-Point Group. I enjoy it a lot. I feel productive a majority of the time. I have only traveled twice this year. I miss the travel; it is a break for me and I get paid too. Who could ask for more? I get to see the kids every day and get them to and from school and Dylan doesn't have to go into daycare. Dylan is a riot. He is very curious about everything and gets into everything. Really keeps me on my toes.

Shawn will be hunting this year. He has been looking forward to it all year long. He even got a new scope for his gun. Hopefully he gets what he wants.

I will be going out for Black Friday with my sister, Heather. This will be the first year we go out together. I am looking forward to it and I believe she is too.

I am trying to find free time to update this site and put in old stuff too. Eventually, I will get there but right now it seems like it will take forever!