Eric Stephen Smith

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby Race

Eric and Daddy have been very busy working on a pinewood derby car for Cub Scouts. Daddy said that Eric was a very good Supervisor. Seriously, what can a 6 year old do when it comes to building a wooden car? Sure he could do somw painting but we all know that daddy likes to have things looking right. So, Eric supervised very well. He decided what color he wanted his car. Worked on drawing pictures of his car too.

Pinewood Derby cars cannot weight anymore than 5 ounces; which is really light. We even went to the extent of buying a digital kitchen scale to know how heavy the car weighted. (Shawn also needed one for making some deer jerky too. Worked out well)

Eric's car was painted yellow with blue shark teeths (as Eric called them) along the bottom sides of the car. He gave his car a number 6 because he was 6 years old. To top it off, since Eric is a Lego maniac, he put a lego driver and lego steering wheel on his car too.

Eric and Daddy worked on the car for two weeks off and on. Shawn says it is hard to build a car without proper wood working tools, but he did a great job with what he had.

Eric and Daddy had to go the night before the race to weight in the car and make any final modifications to the car. Eric did not like the idea of leaving his car behind, but after he saw that everyone needed to he was alright with it.

The races began on Saturday at 10:30am in the morning. To make things easier for Mom and Dad, Grammie came out early to watch Emily and Dylan. Plus, this gave Mom and Dad special quality time with Eric. It is rough these days to get quality time with just one kid. Eric was truly enjoying his time with us.

They did six heats with the cars; racing 3 cars at a time. Eric came in first once, second four times and third once. He was starting to get disappointed when he was always coming in second, but once he won first place he was alright with everything. All the cub scouts got a special certificate and trophy for participation. Eric is very proud of what he did. Daddy wants to start building his car for next year because it took so long.

Below are a few photos of him enjoying his time.